March - Week 1 Schedule

Your Week 1 Schedule
It’s that time 😻 Your Week 1 schedule has arrived! Get ready for three full body workouts per week, staying active in between, and adding a few key habits to your routine.
I know you’re probably raring to go, so before you start scrolling...SOME IMPORTANT INFO 👇
Your Weekly Schedule
Every Sunday, we release a new weekly workout schedule. Your weekly schedule lays out which workouts you should do on which days, complete with links to each.
New Videos
With new videos filmed each day, we aim to upload the next day’s video as early as possible. 💫 For reference, we are on Eastern standard time and aim to post before midnight the night before each scheduled workout.
That said - if you’re a timezone ahead, feel free to either do the challenge on a one day delay or swap the scheduled workout for something else from our YouTube channel!
Habits are all about repetition. Small actions, repeated over time become small wins. Wins that motivate you to keep going until those actions become habits, and those habits become routine. 🙌
As exciting as all this is - none of it works unless you do. So help us help you by connecting with your community! Introduce yourself in our Facebook group or tag us on Insta @theteamplans @abby #team28.
Sending the biggest hugs,
Do Full Body Strength from the Full Body Fit Guides or pick your favorite full body workout from this playlist!
Remember - new workouts are coming so if they're not clickable yet, they will be soon!
Do Full Body Conditioning from the Full Body Fit Guides or pick your favorite full body workout from this playlist!
Remember - new workouts are coming so if they're not clickable yet, they will be soon!
Do Full Body Burner from the Full Body Fit Guides or pick your favorite full body workout from this playlist!
Weekend workouts are optional! So long as you're sticking to your habits, feel free to add these in or swap them to suit your schedule.
Weekend workouts are optional! So long as you're sticking to your habits, feel free to add these in or swap them to suit your schedule.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I miss a workout? – No problem! The goal of this challenge is to rebuild your routine by building you up NOT breaking you down.
Whether you need a little extra rest or life gets in the way, so long as you're making an effort to complete your daily checklist - you're doing great.
What if I don't have weights? – For Full Body workouts I recommend using a lighter set of dumbbells (5-10 lbs) and a heavier set of dumbbells (15-30 lbs). That said, if you don’t have access to dumbbells, try one of these common household substitutions instead:
Water bottles
Wine bottles
Milk jugs
Gallon jugs
Bag of rice or dog food
Backpack full of books
Laundry detergent jugs
In general, you’re looking for household items that have secure closures are either easy to grip or have easy to grip handles. If using a bottle or bag, make sure it’s fully secure before starting to avoid any spills.
Meet Abby
The Full Body
Fit Bundle
Level up results with our tried-and-true guides that include:
✔ 4 week Full Body Fit 1.0 guide
✔ 4 week Full Body Fit 2.0 guide
✔ 20-40 minutes, 3 times per week
✔ Build strength, add shape, & boost metabolism
✔ Follow along workout videos
✔ Dumbbell-only exercises
✔ Form modifications & instructions
Join our Pop-Up Facebook Group and tag us on Insta at @theteamplans @abby #team28 to show us how you're moving!
Got Questions?
To make sure you get the most out of this challenge, make sure you review our Frequently Asked Questions. Chances are, what you’re looking for is in here!
Lean Building
✔ Build lean muscle without the bulk
✔ Full body workouts, 4 times per week
✔ At Home & Gym options included
Bonus: Team Insiders Facebook Group
Bonus: Meal Prep & Grocery Templates
Lean Sculpting
✔ Gradually lose fat and improve definition
✔ Full body workouts, 4 times per week
✔ At Home & Gym options included
Bonus: Team Insiders Facebook Group
Bonus: Meal Prep & Grocery Templates
Momentum Fat Loss
✔ Kickstart a larger weight loss journey
✔ Full body workouts, 4 times per week
✔ At Home & Gym options included
Bonus: Team Insiders Facebook Group
Bonus: Meal Prep & Grocery Templates